What is the PRP? #
The PRP is a document issued to a foreign citizen or stateless person to confirm their right to permanent residence in the Russian Federation, as well as their right to freely leave the Russian Federation and enter the Russian Federation.
The PRP issued to a stateless person is at the same time a document certifying his/her identity.
The PRP may not be issued in the form of an electronic document.
A foreign citizen permanently residing in the Russian Federation is a person who has received the PRP.
The PRP is issued without limitation of validity, except for cases provided for by paragraphs four – six of paragraph 3 of Article 8 N 115-FZ of 25.07.2002 N 115-FZ (ed. 08.08.2024) “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”.
The PRP is a blue book, which looks like a passport, or a card with a chip. The book has a photo of the owner and his/her children, basic information about them, series and number of the document. While in Russia, a foreigner with the PRP must show this document whenever a passport is required.
Who can apply for the PRP? #
The PRP may be issued to a foreign citizen who has lived in the Russian Federation for at least one year on the basis of a temporary residence permit.
1.1 The PRP may be issued to a foreign citizen who has received a temporary residence permit for the purpose of education, after completion of training in a state educational or state scientific organization under a bachelor’s degree program, specialist program, master’s degree program, residency program, assistantship-internship program that has state accreditation, or under a program of training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies (adjuncture).
(paragraph 1.1 introduced by the Federal Law of 14.07.2022 N 357-FZ)
Art.8 115 FZ (ed. 08.08.2024) “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
Grounds for obtaining the PRP bypassing TRP #
If you have a TRP and grounds for obtaining the PRP without the TRP, you can immediately apply for the PRP without taking into account the period of residence (8 months) required for the TRP.
Without obtaining a temporary residence permit, a permanent residence permit is issued to:
1) a foreign citizen who was born on the territory of the RSFSR and was a former citizen of the USSR;
2) a foreign citizen who has not reached the age of eighteen and whose parent (adoptive parent, guardian, custodian) is a foreign citizen and permanently resides in the Russian Federation; (has the PRP).
3) a foreign citizen who has not reached the age of eighteen and who receives the PRP together with a parent (adoptive parent, guardian, custodian) who is a foreign citizen;
4) a foreign citizen who has a parent (adoptive parent, guardian, custodian), son or daughter who is a citizen of the Russian Federation and permanently residing in the Russian Federation;
5) a foreign citizen who has reached the age of eighteen years, is recognized as incapacitated or limited in capacity in accordance with the legislation of a foreign state, who receives a permanent residence permit together with a parent (adoptive parent, guardian, custodian) who is a foreign citizen;
6) a foreign citizen who has reached the age of eighteen, is recognized as incapacitated or limited in legal capacity in accordance with the legislation of a foreign state, and whose parent (adoptive parent, guardian, custodian) is a foreign citizen and permanently resides in the Russian Federation; (has a permanent residence permit);
7) a foreign citizen recognized as a native speaker of the Russian language in accordance with Article 33.1 of the Federal Law of May 31, 2002 N 62-FZ “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”;
8) a foreign citizen who himself or herself or a relative in a direct ascending line, an adoptive parent or a spouse of whom was subjected to illegal deportation from the territory of the Crimean ASSR, as well as a relative in a direct descending line, adopted children or a spouse of the mentioned foreign citizen who submitted a certificate of rehabilitation issued by an internal affairs body, a body of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation or a court;
9) a highly qualified specialist and his/her family members in accordance with Article 13.2 of this Federal Law;
10) a foreign citizen who has been engaged in labor activity in the Russian Federation for at least six months prior to the day of application for a residence permit in a profession (specialty, position) included in the list of professions (specialties, positions) of foreign citizens and stateless persons – qualified specialists eligible for admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified procedure, approved by the federal executive authority responsible for the development and implementation of the state policy of the Russian Federation. In this case, during the specified period of labor activity in respect of such a foreign citizen, the employer must accrue insurance contributions to the Pension and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation;
(ed. Federal Law of 14.07.2022 N 237-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)
11) a foreign citizen who has successfully mastered a state-accredited educational program of higher education in the Russian Federation on a full-time basis and received a document on education and qualification with honors;
12) a person who resides in the Russian Federation and whose citizenship of the Russian Federation has been terminated;
13) a person who resides in the Russian Federation and in respect of whom the decision to acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation has been revoked, except for persons in respect of whom the decision has been revoked on the basis of a court sentence that has entered into force and established the fact that the person has committed at least one of the crimes (preparation for a crime or attempt to commit a crime) provided for in Articles 205, 205. 1, part two of Article 205.2, Articles 205.3 – 205.5, 206, 208, part four of Article 211, Articles 281, 282.1 – 282.3 and 361 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, or at least one of the crimes (preparation for or attempt to commit a crime) provided for by Articles 277 – 279 and 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if their commission is associated with terrorist activity;
14) a person specified in part one or three of Article 41.1 of the Federal Law of May 31, 2002 N 62-FZ “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”;
15) a foreign citizen who is a finalist or winner of the All-Russian contest held by the autonomous non-profit organization “Russia – a Country of Opportunities”, who has submitted a document confirming his/her status as a finalist or winner of the contest;
(Sub-paragraph 15 introduced by Federal Law N 87-FZ dated 01.04.2022)
16) a foreign citizen who is a specialist in the field of information technologies and who has concluded an employment contract or a civil law contract for the performance of work (provision of services) with an organization carrying out activities in the field of information technologies and who has received, in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation, a document of state accreditation of an organization carrying out activities in the field of information technologies (except for organizations with the status of a resident of a technology innovation special economic zone).
(sub-paragraph 16 introduced by the Federal Law dated 28.06.2022 N 207-FZ)
17) a foreign citizen who has made investments in the Russian Federation and members of his/her family (spouse, children (including adopted children), spouses of children, parents (including adopted children), spouses of parents, grandparents, grandchildren). The criteria that a foreign citizen who has made investments in the Russian Federation must be met in order to be granted the permanent residence permit in the Russian Federation without the temporary residence permit, the procedure for assessing the compliance of a foreign citizen who has made investments in the Russian Federation with such criteria, as well as the federal executive body authorized to carry out this assessment, shall be determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;
(item 17 in edition of the Federal law from 10.07.2023 N 316-FZ)
(see the text in the previous edition)
18) to a foreign citizen who is a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Moldova or Ukraine;
(item. 18 introduced by Federal Law of 14.07.2022 N 357-FZ; in ed. by Federal Law of 13.06.2023 N 215-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)
19) a foreign citizen moving to the Russian Federation for permanent residence in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation on the regulation of the resettlement process and protection of the rights of resettlers;
(item 19 introduced by the Federal Law of 14.07.2022 N 357-FZ)
- Citizens of the Republic of Belarus (Article 4.1 of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus)
- Citizens of Turkmenistan moving to the Russian Federation for permanent residence in accordance with international agreements of the Russian Federation on regulation of the resettlement process and protection of the rights of resettlers. (Agreement between the Russian Federation and Turkmenistan on regulation of the resettlement process and protection of the rights of migrants, December 23, 1993).
- Latvian citizens moving to the Russian Federation for permanent residence in accordance with international agreements of the Russian Federation on regulation of the resettlement process and protection of the rights of resettled persons. (Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Latvia on Regulation of the Resettlement Process and Protection of the Rights of Resettlers Moscow, June 2, 1993).
20) a foreign citizen who, during the period of the special military operation, concluded a contract on military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or military formations for a period of one year (hereinafter referred to as a serviceman), members of his/her family, including in the event of death of the serviceman. Family members of a serviceman include his/her spouse, children (including adopted children), parents (including foster parents).
(paragraph 20 introduced by the Federal Law of 10.07.2023 N 316-FZ)
Federal Law of 25.07.2002 N 115-FZ (ed. 08.08.2024) “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”. What are the rights and obligations of a foreigner permanently residing in the Russian Federation?
Article 8: Permanent residence of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation
20) Residents of LDNR, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions who do not want to become citizens of the Russian Federation can apply for the permanent residence permit,
the duration of consideration is up to 20 working days (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 27.04.2023 N 307).
What do I need to do before applying for the permanent residence permit? #
- Prepare documents to apply for the permanent residence permit.
- Acquire an Apostille for foreign documents (for countries that are members of the Hague Convention), necessary in the future when residing in another country (RF), such as birth, marriage, education, profession certificates. *
All original official documents (of the countries of the Hague Convention) in a foreign language must be prepared in three steps:
- They must be certified by an Apostille stamp on the original document (“Apostille”), Apostille is placed on the original document in the country where it was issued.
- Translated into Russian (including the Apostille stamp).
- Certified by a notary of the Russian Federation (in a consulate of the Russian Federation or at a notary in the territory of the Russian Federation).
Official documents and acts issued by organizations and institutions of foreign states that are not parties to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization of Foreign Public Documents signed in The Hague on October 5, 1961, unless otherwise stipulated by existing international treaties of the Russian Federation with foreign states, are accepted for consideration in the presence of consular legalization, which is performed by consular offices of the Russian Federation abroad and the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
3. Translate documents into Russian and have them notarized in Russia.
- Resolve property, financial, educational, transportation issues in the country of origin
- Gather information on ways of transportation of property (personal belongings, means of transportation), assess risks and opportunities
- Finalize matters in the country of origin. (Terminate contracts, insurances, etc.)
- Arrange for a visa (for visa countries, as well as for those countries that do not require a visa when traveling to Russia as a tourist)
- Check the spelling of the data in the visa with the translation, there should be no discrepancies
- Find accommodation in the region of residence.
What is the procedure for applying for the permanent residence permit? #
The prepared documents and their copies are submitted together with the application for the permanent residence permit in person to the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of intended residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Validity period of the temporary residence permit for applying for the permanent residence permit #
An application for the permanent residence permit shall be submitted not earlier than eight months after the first year of residence in the Russian Federation on the basis of a temporary residence permit and not later than four months before the expiration of the temporary residence permit.
This rule does not apply to the persons specified in Article 8.2 of Article 115 of the Federal Law.
From what date should I count 8 months for submitting a residence permit? #
From the date of stamping of the temporary residence permit in the passport.
With which registration can I apply for the permanent residence permit? #
Both with registration at the place of stay (MU, checkered sheet) and with registration at the place of residence (stamp in the passport).
List of documents required for applying for the permanent residence permit #
The basic list, for all basis, should be written in the application for residence permit (for adults)
- Application for the permanent residence permit in 2 copies (see the sample for how to fill out the application correctly)
- Passport, or temporary residence permit of a stateless person, certificate of temporary asylum – the original and notarized translation of the passport (all pages). The period of validity of the passport at the time of application should not be less than the period of consideration of the application
- Birth certificate (original and a copy)
- Temporary residence permit issued in accordance with the established procedure (if the mark in the passport, it is not indicated in the list, because it is already in the notarized translation of the passport). Those who apply without a temporary residence permit should skip this point;
- State duty in the amount of 6 000 rubles (original). Surname, first name, patronymic (if the passport is available) are indicated as in the notarized translation of the passport.Not required for citizens of LNR, DNR and Ukraine;
- Tear-off part of the form of notification of arrival of a foreign citizen or stateless person to the place of stay (migration registration) – (original and copy), if the stamp is in the passport, it is not required, because in the notarized translation of the passport is already there;
- Document confirming the availability of a legal source of means of subsistence that allows you to support yourself in the Russian Federation within the subsistence minimum, or a document confirming the applicant’s incapacity for work.
Such documents include:
- certificate of income and tax amounts of an individual (former 2-NDFL);
- pension certificate;
- certificate of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, confirming the fact of establishing a pension;
- confirmation of receipt of alimony;
- a certificate of income of the person on whose dependency the applicant is;
- a certificate of bank deposit indicating the account number and the amount of the deposit;
- other document confirming the receipt of income from activities not prohibited by law or incapacity for work.
- Photographs (personal) 35x45mm – 4 pcs. (matte, b/w or color).
- Certificate of Russian language skills, knowledge of Russian history and the basics of Russian legislation (copy). For the temporary residence permit and permanent residence permit a comprehensive examination “in Russian language, knowledge of Russian history and the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation” is taken. The difference between the temporary residence permit and permanent residence permit is in the number of correct answers. For the temporary residence permit it is necessary to answer correctly 65-70% of questions, for the permanent residence permit it is necessary to answer correctly 75-80% of questions.
The certificate for the TRP is not suitable for the PRP and citizenship. You can pass the exam for the level of PRP and provide a photocopy or notarized copy of the certificate for the PRP (depending on the region), in the future the same certificate could be attached to the application for the PRP and citizenship of the Russian Federation.
The certificate from the patent is not suitable for the TRP, PRP and citizenship of the Russian Federation.
The validity period of the certificate for the TRP – 3 years, for the PRP – indefinite. *
- Medical certificates (to be submitted simultaneously with all documents):
- conclusion of a psychiatrist-narcologist (original);
- certificate of absence of HIV infection (original) (to be obtained in the same place with the medical certificate of health);
- medical certificate of absence of infectious diseases (original).
For visa countries:
additionally provide and indicate in the application a certificate of absence of criminal record of the applicant (including those who have reached the age of 14 years). The document should not be issued earlier than 3 months on the day of application for a permit. Also, it is necessary to legalize the document with an apostille stamping. If already provided under the TRP, there is no need to provide again (changes are valid from 11.12.2021);
- In case of different spelling of geographical names in the passport, birth certificate and other documents, a certificate of renaming of the city, region, etc. may be required. Such a certificate can be obtained from the Lenin Russian State Library (in person or by proxy), or a printout from Wikipedia may be sufficient.
- In case of a change in the name, it is necessary to provide supporting documents (original and photocopy) or a certificate of name change.
Additional documents to be brought with you (if available):
- Tax Identification Number obtained in the Russian Federation (original);
- Tear-off part of the notification form on confirmation of residence in the Russian Federation under the temporary residence permit (if the permit has been obtained for more than a year and the deadline for submitting the notification has passed, if less than a year, it is not necessary; copy+original);
- Marriage certificate (original and copy);
- Diploma/certificate of education/profession (original and copy);
- Document confirming the availability of living quarters on the grounds stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. If a foreign citizen stays in the Russian Federation for less than three years from the date of entry (crossing the border of the Russian Federation), he/she has the right not to provide documents confirming the availability of living quarters.!!!!.
On the basis of the TRPEP
In addition to the basic documents it is necessary to provide and specify in the application the following:
- Migration card with a mark of border crossing (original and copy)
- Migration record (original and copy)
- TRPEP (original and copy)
- Diploma (original and copy)
- Extract from the order on completion of studies, certified copies of state accreditation and license of the university.
It is possible to apply for the permanent residence permit after TRPEP immediately after studying and within 3 years afterwards
On the basis of paragraph 1.1.1 of Article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
For those who apply for the PRP without TRP:
- Migration card with a mark on border crossing (original and a copy);
Additionally, depending on the basis, to obtain the permanent residence permit without the need to obtain the temporary residence permit, the following documents are additionally required:
Those who were born on the territory of the RSFSR and were former citizens of the USSR:
In addition to the basic documents provide and indicate in the application:
- Birth certificate issued on the territory of the RSFSR
In the absence of this certificate, the document confirming birth on the territory of the RSFSR and past citizenship of the USSR is a passport of a USSR citizen of the 1974 model, in which the relevant entries are made…;
On the basis of subparagraph 1, paragraph 2, Article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”
Under the age of eighteen and the parent has the permanent residence permit or receives a residence permit together with the child
In addition to the basic documents, the following should be provided and specified in the application:
- A separate application for minors is filled out for a minor child. The application can be submitted by the legal representative (parent) who has the permanent residence permit or together with the child is applying for the permanent residence permit; in the absence of the documents listed above, the legal representative can not apply for the permanent residence permit for the child.
- Child’s passport and notarized translation of pages with stamps (original and copy);
- Child’s birth certificate and notarized translation (original and copy);
- Migration card (original and copy);
- Passport of the applicant (parent) and notarized translation. If the application for the child is submitted simultaneously with the application of the parent, it is not required;
- Applicant’s (parent’s) permanent residence permit original and copy (if available);
- Photos (child) 35x45mm – 2 pcs. (matte, b/w or color).
- State duty in the amount of 6 000 rubles (original);
- Medical certificates:
- conclusion of a psychiatrist-narcologist (original), the validity of the certificate is 3 months;
- certificate of absence of HIV-infection (original) (to be obtained at the same place where the medical certificate of health), validity period of the certificate is 3 months;
- medical certificate of absence of infectious diseases (original), validity period of 3 months;
- Document confirming the existence of a legal source of livelihood (in the name of the parent) that allows to support oneself in the Russian Federation within the subsistence minimum, or a document confirming the applicant’s incapacity for work.
Such documents include: a certificate of income of an individual, a certificate from the place of work, a pension certificate, a certificate of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation confirming the fact of establishing a pension, confirmation of receipt of alimony, a certificate of income of the person on whose dependence the applicant is, a certificate of bank deposit indicating the number of the account and the amount of the deposit, another document confirming the receipt of income from activities not prohibited by law or incapacity for work.
- in case of discrepancies in the name, it is necessary to provide supporting documents (original and a copy, if in a foreign language, a notarized translation);
For visa countries, additionally provide and specify in the application (for children over 14 years old) the following:
- Document issued by the authorized body of the state of permanent residence, confirming that the applicant has no criminal record. The document should not be issued earlier than 3 months on the day of submission of the application for authorization. If the document has already been submitted for the temporary residence permit, it shall not be submitted again (the changes are valid from 11.12.2021).
On the basis of subparagraphs 2-3 of paragraph 2 of Article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
Having a parent who is a citizen of the Russian Federation
In addition to the basic documents to provide and specify in the application:
- Applicant’s birth certificate (original and copy, + notarized translation if in a foreign language);
- Passport of the Russian Federation citizen of the parent, with a mark of registration at the place of residence (original and copies of pages with marks);
- In case of change (if there are discrepancies) of full name it is necessary to provide documents confirming kinship (original and a copy), if in a foreign language, a notarized translation.
!!!!! No certificate of proficiency in the Russian language, knowledge of Russian history and the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation is required.
On the basis of subparagraph 4, paragraph 2, Article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
Having a son, daughter (minor or adult), who are citizens of the Russian Federation
In addition to the basic documents, provide and specify in the application the following:
- Child’s birth certificate (up to 14 years of age there should be a stamp of Russian citizenship) (original and a copy);
- Passport of the Russian Federation of the son or daughter from the age of 14 (original and a copy of all pages);
- Paternity certificate, if required (original and copy);
- Document confirming the registration of the son or daughter at the place of residence, certificate of form No. 8 or No. 9 (if the son or daughter does not have a stamp of registration at the place of residence in the birth certificate or passport).
!!!!!No certificate of proficiency in the Russian language, knowledge of Russian history and the basics of Russian legislation is required.
On the basis of subparagraph 4, paragraph 2, Article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
Persons recognized as native speakers of the Russian language (those who apply under the Native Russian Speakers (NRS))
In addition to the basic documents, it is important to provide and indicate in the application the following:
- The decision of the commission on being recognized as a native speaker of the Russian language (NRS) (copy and original);
- The tear-off part of the notification form on the confirmation of your residence in the Russian Federation under the TRP (if you have the TRP and received it more than a year ago, if less, you do not need);
- Income must be indicated in the application, but it is not required to confirm income with certificates.
A certificate of Russian language proficiency, knowledge of Russian history and basic Russian legislation is not required.
The validity of the passport at the time of application should not be less than six months.
On the basis of subparagraph 7, paragraph 2, Article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
Persons illegally deported from the Crimean ASSR (themselves or relatives in direct ascending line)
in addition to the basic documents to provide and specify in the application the follwoing:
- Certificate of rehabilitation issued by a body of internal affairs of the Russian Federation, a body of the prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation or a court;
- One of the documents confirming the degree of kinship with the foreign citizen (marriage, birth certificate, adoption, etc.).
On the basis of subparagraph 8, paragraph 2, Article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
Highly Qualified Specialist (HQS)
In addition to the basic documents to provide and specify in the application the following:
- Application for the permanent residence permit in 2 copies;
- Passport (original and notarized copy of all pages).The validity of the passport at the time of application should not be less than six months;
- Notification on migration registration (original and a copy), if the stamp in the passport, it is not required, as the notarized translation of the passport is already available;
- Employment contract or civil law contract for the performance of work (provision of services), concluded with a highly qualified specialist and executed in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation (original and a copy).
- Documents confirming the degree of kinship with the highly qualified specialist (spouse, children (including adopted children), spouses of children, parents (including adopted children), spouses of parents, grandparents, grandchildren of the highly qualified specialist) (original and copy);
The highly qualified specialist shall submit in respect of children under the age of eighteen, or other family members recognized as incapacitated or limited in capacity, the following:
- Application for issuance of a Residence Permit in 2 copies;
- Passport, notarized translation of all pages (original and copy). The validity of the passport at the time of application should not be less than six months.
- Child’s birth certificate, notarized translation of all pages (original and copy).
- Notification of migration registration (original and copy), if the stamp is in the passport, it is not required;
- Photographs (personal) 35x45mm – 4 pcs. (matte, b/w or color);
- Document according to which the foreign citizen is recognized as incapacitated, issued by an authorized body of a foreign state or the Russian Federation, if the application is submitted in respect of a foreign citizen recognized as incapacitated;
- Employment contract or civil law contract for the performance of work (rendering services), signed by a highly qualified specialist and executed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (if the application is submitted by a highly qualified specialist who is not applying for the permanent residence permit for himself/herself). (original and a copy).
Additional documents to be brought with you:
- TIN obtained in the Russian Federation (original, if available);
- Certificate of marriage/divorce (original);
- Diploma/certificate of education/profession (original, if available);
On the basis of subparagraph 9, paragraph 2, Article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
Persons who have been working in a profession from the list of the Ministry of Labor for at least 6 months.
this condition has been removed from the new law on citizenship, and the list of professions has been approved for obtaining citizenship, therefore documents under this condition are not accepted.
On the basis of subparagraph 10, paragraph 2, Article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
Persons who have a document of education with honors:
In addition to the basic documents to provide and specify in the application the following:
- Notarized translation of the internal passport (if the diploma was issued with a patronymic).
- Document on higher education and qualification (Bachelor’s, Specialist’s or Master’s degree) with honors, with an attachment (original and copy);
- Copy of the certificate of state accreditation in effect at the time of receiving the document on education (with attachment, if any), certified by the educational institution;
- Copy of the license, valid at the time of receipt of the document on education (with attachment, if available), certified by the educational institution.
On the basis of subparagraph 11, paragraph 2, article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
To a person who resides in the Russian Federation and whose citizenship of the Russian Federation has been terminated
in addition to the basic documents to provide and specify in the application the following:
- Statement, written in free form, on the issuance of his/her the permanent residence permit
- Passport confirming foreign citizenship, notarized translation of all pages (original and copy). The validity of the passport at the time of application should not be less than six months.
On the basis of subparagraph 12, paragraph 2, Article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
A person who resides in the Russian Federation and in respect of whom the decision to acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation has been canceled, with certain exceptions
In addition to the basic documents, to provide and indicate in the application the following:
- Decision on acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation
On the basis of subparagraph 13, paragraph 2, Article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
Finalists or winners of the ANO “Russia – a Country of Opportunities” competition
in addition to the basic documents to provide and specify in the application the following:
- Document issued by the ANO “Russia – Country of Opportunities” confirming that the applicant is a finalist or winner of a nationwide competition held by the said ANO.
On the basis of subparagraph 15, paragraph 2, Article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”
IT specialists and their family members:
In addition to the basic documents to provide and specify in the application the following:
- Document of education and (or) qualification, confirming the availability of education and (or) qualification in the field of information technologies or a certificate of recognition of foreign education and (or) foreign qualification.
- Certificate of qualification issued based on the results of an independent assessment of qualifications in the field of information technologies in the form of a professional examination.
On the basis of subparagraph 16, paragraph 2, Article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
Document of education and (or) qualification, confirming the presence of education and (or) qualification in the field of information technologies, issued in 1992 – 1995 by organizations carrying out educational activities in the territory of the Russian Federation, or issued by a military professional educational organization or military educational organization of higher education, or issued in the territory of a foreign state or a certificate of recognition of foreign education and (or) foreign qualification (in the case of filing a request for a certificate of recognition of foreign education and (or) foreign qualification).
With respect to relatives:
- Document of education and (or) qualifications (see above);
formalized in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation
- Employment contract or a civil law contract for the performance of work (provision of services) concluded with a highly qualified (skilled) specialist or concluded by a foreign IT specialist with an organization that carries out activities in the field of information technologies and has received, in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation, a document of state accreditation of the organization that carries out activities in the field of information technologies (except for organizations that have the status of a resident of a technology innovation center). In this case, the IT specialist confirms the assignment of functions requiring professional knowledge and skills in the field of information technologies by a job description or a civil law contract for the performance of work (provision of services) that provides for these functions;
- Documents confirming the degree of kinship with the IT specialist (original and a copy).
For minor children:
- Application for residence permit for minors in 2 copies
- Child’s passport and notarized translation (original and copy);
- Child’s birth certificate, notarized translation (original and copy);
- Employment contract (see above for relatives);
- Document of education and (or) qualification (see above additional list).
Foreign investors and their family members:
In addition to the basic documents, provide and indicate in the application the following:
- Document confirming the foreign citizen’s categorization as a foreign investor;
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2022 N 2573 “On the criteria that must be met by a foreign citizen who has made investments in the Russian Federation, for the issuance of the permanent residence permit in the Russian Federation without obtaining the temporary residence permit” (as amended and supplemented)
- Documents confirming the degree of kinship with the foreign investor (when submitted by family members).
On the basis of subparagraph 17, paragraph 2, Article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
Foreign citizens who are citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Moldova or Ukraine
On the basis of subparagraph 17, paragraph 2, article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
Resettlers from Turkmenistan and Latvia
In addition to the basic documents, provide and specify in the application the following:
- Permission to move (resettle) from Turkmenistan to the Russian Federation, provided for by the Agreement between the Russian Federation and Turkmenistan on regulation of the resettlement process and protection of the rights of resettlers of December 23, 1993. 10 or a certificate of resettlement from the Republic of Latvia to the Russian Federation provided for by the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Latvia on the Regulation of the Resettlement Process and Protection of the Rights of Resettlers of June 2, 1993.
- Internal passport (if it is accompanied by a relocation permit);
On the basis of subparagraph 19, paragraph 2, Article 8 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
Residents of the LDNR, Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions who refused to become citizens of the Russian Federation
in addition to the basic documents to provide and specify in the application the following:
- Document certifying identity (passport, ID-card) and citizenship (if any), including if its validity period has expired (original + notarized translation and a copy from the translation);
- Document confirming the right of a foreign citizen or stateless person to permanent residence and issued by an authorized body of Ukraine, Donetsk People’s Republic or Lugansk People’s Republic, including if its validity period has expired (if such document is available);
- Document confirming the fact of permanent residence on the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Luhansk People’s Republic, Zaporizhzhya Oblast or Kherson Oblast (unless this information is contained in an identity document or a document confirming the right to permanent residence);
established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
- State duty is not required.
On the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 27.04.2023 N 307
Do spouses/parents/children have to be registered at the same address as the applicant, is it necessary to live with them at the same address and is it required to submit an application at their place of residence?
For a parent (adoptive parent, guardian, custodian), son or daughter (subparagraph 4, paragraph 1, Article 8 115-FZ) – “a foreign citizen who has a parent (adoptive parent, guardian, custodian), son or daughter who is a citizen of the Russian Federation and permanently residing in the Russian Federation”.
There is a requirement in the law: …..otmark of registration at the place of residence, a citizen of the Russian Federation…… there is no requirement to submit in the same region of the Russian Federation or at the address of a parent, son or daughter, as well as living at the same address.
Acceptance of documents for the permanent residence permit
When accepting documents for the permanent residence permit, temporary residence permit or citizenship of the Russian Federation, a certificate of acceptance of the application is issued.
In case of refusal to accept an application for a residence permit and residence permit, a certificate stating the reason is issued. This is described in the Administrative Regulations:
110. In case, if as a result of the check, provided by paragraph 107 of the Administrative Regulations, revealed one or more of the grounds for refusal to accept the application and documents provided by paragraphs 53 – 56 of the Administrative Regulations, the applicant is denied their admission and issued a certificate (recommended sample is provided in Annex No. 8 to the Administrative Regulations), confirming the refusal to accept the application.
111. The applicant is issued a certificate (recommended sample is provided in Annex No. 9 to the Administrative Regulations) on the acceptance of the application.
Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 417 of June 11, 2020
After the acceptance of the documents, can I leave the Russian Federation? #
If you do not have the temporary residence permit, you can leave the Russian Federation for any period of time, and if you have the temporary residence permit, you cannot be absent from the Russian Federation for more than six months in a calendar year.
If you are on the migration register, then after leaving the Russian Federation your migration card will be taken away from you and your migration registration will be canceled. If you re-enter the Russian Federation, a new migration card is issued. After entering the Russian Federation, you must re-enter the migration register within 7 working days.
The period of registration of the permanent residence permit (PRP) depends on the category of the applicant #
PRP for 4 months from the date of acceptance of the application:
- Foreigners with a temporary residence permit (TRP)
- Citizens of Kazakhstan, Moldova and Ukraine
- Those who were born on the territory of the RSFSR and were former citizens of the USSR
- Minors whose parents are foreigners permanently residing in the Russian Federation under the permanent residence permit
- Parents or children of Russian citizens permanently residing in Russia
- Minor foreigners who receive the permanent residence permit jointly with a parent
- Qualified specialists working for at least 6 months in Russia in a number of professions
- Full-time graduates of Russian universities who have received a diploma with honors.
3 months from the date of acceptance of the application
- Foreigners with a temporary residence permit for the purpose of education (TRPEP)
- Illegally deported from the territory of the Crimean ASSR
- Highly qualified specialists and family members of a highly qualified specialist who arrived on the territory of the Russian Federation
- Citizens of the Republic of Belarus who have not previously obtained a temporary residence permit;
- IT specialists and their family members
For 2 months from the date of acceptance of the application
- Foreigners residing in Russia for whom the decision to acquire Russian citizenship has been canceled
- Recognized as a native speaker of the Russian language, 2 months from the date of acceptance of the application;
20 working days from the date of acceptance of the application
Residents of the LDNR, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions who refused to become citizens of the Russian Federation.
(Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 27.04.2023 N 307);
15 working days from the date of acceptance of the application
- Foreign citizen whose citizenship of the Russian Federation has been terminated;
- Foreigners who have been granted political asylum by Russia.
7 working days from the date of acceptance of the application
- When correcting errors in the permanent residence permit or changing the name and surname of the applicant
- in case of replacement with an indefinite residence permit or upon reaching the age limit
The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for suspension of the term for the provision of the state service
The full list of terms of issuance and grounds is listed in p. 23 of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 11.06.2020 № 417.
If the deadlines for consideration of the application have passed, it is necessary to perform in order or simultaneously: #
- Check the readiness of the decision on the website of the GUVM;
- Apply in person to the UVM where the application was submitted (for Moscow to the IMC in Sakharovo in the department of receiving documents);
- Contact the head of the department of residence permit, residence permit or citizenship of the Russian Federation;
- Send an online complaint to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
- Send an online complaint to the Prosecutor’s Office (for Moscow, to the Moscow City Prosecutor’s Office).
- Send an online complaint to the Office of the President of the Russian Federation
What are the next steps after receiving the residence permit approval? #
- Within 7 working days from the date of receiving the residence permit, obtain registration at the place of residence (a stamp in the residence permit), or at the place of stay (on a separate sheet), if it is not possible to register at the place of residence.
If not registered within 7 working days, an administrative fine of 5 000 rubles or more will be imposed.
It is necessary to notify the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs once a year
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from 15.01.2007 N 9 (ed. from 25.04.2024) “On the order of migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation”.
- Obtain Mandatory Health Insurance, Pension and Social Fund Number, Individual Tax Number
- At the end of each year of residence, within 2 months to send a
- notification on residence under residence permit and provide information on income in it.
Term of validity of the permanent residence permit? #
The permanent residence permit is issued without a time limit, except for a residence permit for a highly qualified specialist and his/her family members specified in subparagraph 9 of paragraph 2 of Article 8 115 of the Federal Law, which is issued for the period of validity of the work permit issued to the said highly qualified specialist.
After 2 years of work in Russia as a HQS, a foreigner and his family members will be able to obtain an indefinite residence permit
A residence permit issued for 5 years is valid until the end of the validity period specified in the residence permit book. Upon expiration of the validity period of a residence permit at the request of a foreign citizen submitted to the territorial body of the UVM not later than 10 days before the expiration of the validity period of his/her existing permanent residence permit.
The residence permit book issued without expiration date is changed upon reaching the age of 14, 20, 45 years old. It is changed not later than 1 month after reaching the specified age.
PRP issued before November 1, 2019 with an expiration date – can be exchanged for an indefinite PRP.
A residence permit can be exchanged for an indefinite residence permit if the conditions specified in Article 8, paragraph 3, subparagraph 7 (see below) are met. All the restrictions specified in Article 13.2 of Federal Law 115-FZ, residence permit is tied to the employer, to leave the territory of the Russian Federation within 30 days after the termination of the contract if no other contract is concluded and many other things do not apply to indefinite residence permit.
Federal Law of 25.07.2002 N 115-FZ (ed. from 10.07.2023) “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
Article 8: Permanent residence of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation
[…] (paragraph 6) A residence permit for a highly qualified specialist and members of his family specified in subparagraph 9 of paragraph 2 of this Article shall be issued for the term of validity of the work permit issued to the said highly qualified specialist.
(paragraph 7) A residence permit shall be issued without limitation of validity to a highly qualified specialist who has been engaged in labor activity in the Russian Federation in this capacity for at least two years, and his/her family members, provided that this highly qualified specialist and his family members reside in the Russian Federation under a residence permit obtained in accordance with Article 13.2 of this Federal Law. In this case, during the specified period of labor activity in respect of such a highly qualified specialist, the employer or the customer of works (services) must calculate, withhold and transfer taxes to the budget system of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.
Article 13.2 Peculiarities of Labor Activity by Foreign Citizens – Highly Qualified Specialists
The provisions of this Article relating to the residence permit issued to a highly qualified specialist and his/her family members shall apply only to the residence permit provided for by the sixth paragraph of paragraph 3 of Article 8 of this Federal Law.
A child was born in the Russian Federation, the parents are foreign citizens with the permanent residence permits #
If the parent has the permanent residence permit, the parent can issue the permanent residence permit to his/her minor child, if desired, the child is registered in the residence permit of his/her parents.
The child must obtain a passport of a citizen depending on the citizenship of the parents or a document confirming the citizenship of the child (if these citizens can stay in Russia without a passport on the birth certificate).
See the list of documents for registration of residence permit for a minor.
If the state of citizenship of the parent does not provide the child with citizenship (this fact is confirmed by a certificate of the authorized body of the foreign state) or the parent is a stateless person, the child may be recognized as a stateless person and is issued a residence permit for a stateless person.
According to paragraph 46(2) of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from 15.01.2007 N 9 “On the order of migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation”.
How long can I be absent outside the Russian Federation under the permanent residence permit? #
No more than six months cumulatively during a calendar year
(from January 1 to December 31), except for cases of inability to leave the territory of a foreign country for circumstances related to the need for emergency treatment, serious illness of the foreign citizen or the death of his close relative who lived at the time of death in a foreign country, as well as cases of being a foreign citizen outside the Russian Federation in connection with official necessity.
If this period is exceeded, the residence permit is canceled (subparagraph 11, paragraph 1, Article 9 115-FZ);
Is assistance provided for relocation? #
Relocation is carried out independently and at your own expense.
How long can I apply for citizenship after obtaining the permanent residence permit? #
on a general basis after 5 years;
in a simplified procedure you can immediately apply for citizenship after obtaining the permanent residence permit.
Revocation of residence permit #
Revocation of the residence permit of a foreign citizen occurs only if there are substantial reasons for it.
The grounds for revocation of a residence permit are specified in Art. 9, Grounds for refusal to issue or revocation of a residence permit.
Federal Law of 25.07.2002 N 115-FZ (ed. of 25.12.2023) “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.